Schools Now! conference

Join school leaders from across the world in an insightful conference focused on educational innovation in international schools.

What is the Schools Now! conference?

The Schools Now! conference is a global conference that fosters educational innovation across British Council Partner Schools. This annual event creates an innovative and dynamic forum that brings educational professionals together to learn more about key areas of international education, share insights, ideas, best practices and experiences with like-minded professionals. 

Register your interest for our next conference

If you are an existing British Council Partner School and would like to participate in our next conference, please fill in the form below to register your interest. If you are currently not a Partner School and would like to join the Partner Schools network, click here to fill in our expression of interest form.  

Why should you join the Schools Now! conference?

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Benefit 1: Global networking opportunities

Expand your professional network, forge new relationships, and gain insights from your peers in over 2,600 British Council Partner Schools spanning more than 40 countries. This expansive and diverse network enriches professional growth, promotes the sharing of innovative educational practices, and encourages collaboration on an international scale.

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Benefit 2: Collaborative learning environment 

Instead of a typical “sit and absorb” conference model, the Schools Now! conference aims to create a dynamic space to exchange ideas, share experiences, challenges, and successes with fellow educators. Each year keynote speakers address the year's chosen theme and further explore through interactive workshops, spotlight sessions, and panel discussions.

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Benefit 3: Cutting-edge educational insights


Stay ahead of the curve with access to the latest trends, research, and best practices in education. The conference features expert speakers, innovative training sessions, and engaging panel discussions, providing you with actionable strategies and knowledge to enhance your teaching methods and school management.

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Benefit 4: Professional development opportunities 

Elevate your professional skills at the Schools Now! conference. Networking with experts in the field can be helpful in improving your leadership skills, technology integration, or student engagement. The conference offers a wealth of opportunities for professional growth, helping you to make a more significant impact in your school.

Schools Now! 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa


Schools Now! 2024 took place in Cape Town, South Africa, a city known for its vibrancy, cultural richness and diverse educational institutions.

The conference theme, 'Enriching Your Curriculum,' centred on equipping schools to navigate and embrace the evolving challenges and innovations in education. It emphasised the importance of enhancing and contextualising the international curriculum to meet educational demands, fostering a learning environment that is both globally informed and locally relevant.

We explored this theme and structuring the conference agenda around for key areas:
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Digital Learning
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Missed the conference?
Watch our recap video from Schools Now! 2024 

Here’s what attendees have said about the previous
Schools Now! conference

It’s good for us to learn what other schools have been going through and to share our experiences so we can collectively better ourselves. The conference is important for educators because it provides the latest updates and information required to keep pace with what’s happening in the world today.
Omar Bessyoni, Director of Smart Village Schools
Each year at the School Now! conferences, I am amazed by the evolution and growth. Witnessing firsthand how the conferences adapt and innovate to continuously provide new insights and invaluable opportunities for the educational community.
Ghada Barsoum, Educator
The conference is a good chance for educators to network and share best practices. This is healthy for schools and we always look forward to it.
Heba Moutawei, Principal at Al Hoda International School

Join our global community 

If your school would like to offer UK international school qualifications with the support of the British Council, apply to become a Partner School today. 

Our team is ready to support you with tailored resources, professional development, operational support delivering exams, and a community that spans across continents.